Counting Charts

When you compare the different card counting systems, you are interested in the following things:

  • Card Values
  • Playing Efficiency
  • Betting correlation
  • Easiness of Use

And many others. These things are used to estimate how effective one card counting system is. Numbers are used to express the ease of use, where 10 is being the easiest possible card counting system and 1 is the hardest.

Counting Charts

If you visit various online guides where blackjack card counting is explained, you will be able to find tones of different charts and in-depth explanations about the features regarding the efficacy of the card counting system. These explanations will contribute to your knowledge greatly. That's why you do not need to rush when you are on these charts and explanations.

How to Compare

Measurements that have the important role in determining whether the card counting system is good or not:

  1. Playing Efficiency - this estimates how well the system is able to adapt to changes in the game. This is particularly important features for games, where only one or two decks are used.
  2. Betting Correlation - this is used to estimate how well the system is able to predict good situations, where the player will have the edge. This is pretty useful measurement, especially in games where more than 2 decks are involved.
  3. Level - Each strategy has different level. It is used to describe the number of all the different values, which are assigned to the cards in the deck. There are 5 different levels, where level 1 is the easiest and level five is the hardest. Level 2 and 3 strategies could be used by some people but levels 4 and 5 are really difficult and only few people in the world can handle them.
  4. Side Counts - this increase the strategy's efficacy greatly, if it is carried out properly. There are many different ways to "side count" in each strategy.